<% Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open "webdisney" Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") tmpsql = "Select * FROM tbl_catalog_items WHERE SiteStatus = '1'" objRS.Open tmpsql,objConn,3,3 sites = objRS.RecordCount objRS.Close objConn.Close %>
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September 22, 2005

Airport to boot Disney greeters

Disney's Magical Express, the free service that shuttles Disney tourists and their baggage to and from Orlando International Airport, will no longer be able to lure in travelers with greeters on the airport's third level. The employees, who wear oversized Mickey Mouse gloves, meet passengers as they enter the main airport terminal. Their location has been a source of friction for taxi, luxury car and rental-car services, which say Disney's exclusive access to the third level has significantly cut into their businesses.

Details & Discussion Here
Posted By: Figment! @ 9:14 PM | permalink


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