<% Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open "webdisney" Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") tmpsql = "Select * FROM tbl_catalog_items WHERE SiteStatus = '1'" objRS.Open tmpsql,objConn,3,3 sites = objRS.RecordCount objRS.Close objConn.Close %>
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September 12, 2005

Disney Opens Theme Park in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Disneyland threw open its gates to the public Monday, marking Mickey Mouse's biggest push into China -- a market the U.S. company hopes will flood the theme park with splurging tourists from the world's most populous nation. With the pink Snow White Castle behind them, Disney executives and a senior Chinese leader celebrated the opening with musicians clanging cymbals, Chinese lion dancers prancing precariously on tall poles and fireworks bursting in the sky.

Details & Discussion Here
Posted By: Figment! @ 8:13 PM | permalink


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