<% Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open "webdisney" Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") tmpsql = "Select * FROM tbl_catalog_items WHERE SiteStatus = '1'" objRS.Open tmpsql,objConn,3,3 sites = objRS.RecordCount objRS.Close objConn.Close %>
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September 30, 2005

How Eisner Saved the Magic Kingdom

As the Disney CEO steps down, it's good to remember that before his recent controversies, he revived the struggling Mouse House. ... But as he leaves his job as CEO of the Mouse House on Oct. 1, ending a 21-year tenure -- sometimes successful, often stormy -- as Hollywood's most recognized mogul, it's hard to remember him as the self-deprecating dad he was back then.

Details & Discussion Here
Posted By: Figment! @ 8:37 PM | permalink


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