<% Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open "webdisney" Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") tmpsql = "Select * FROM tbl_catalog_items WHERE SiteStatus = '1'" objRS.Open tmpsql,objConn,3,3 sites = objRS.RecordCount objRS.Close objConn.Close %>
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August 25, 2007

Disney Store Renovation Deadlines Missed

The Children's Place Retail Stores Inc. has said it missed several deadlines to remodel and refresh numerous stores in the Disney Store chain and expects to miss more deadlines. Under a long-term license agreement with Walt Disney Co. , Children's Place operates the Disney Store retail chain in the U.S. and Canada. On June 8, Children's Place agreed to an amended license deal that included a timetable to renovate and upgrade hundreds of Disney stores.

Details & Discussion Here
Posted By: Figment! @ 11:09 PM | permalink


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