<% Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open "webdisney" Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") tmpsql = "Select * FROM tbl_catalog_items WHERE SiteStatus = '1'" objRS.Open tmpsql,objConn,3,3 sites = objRS.RecordCount objRS.Close objConn.Close %>
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August 05, 2007

Disney World 2008 Packages & Ticket Updates

The Walt Disney has released the details and prices for the 2008 Vacation Packages as well as new ticketing pricing and options.

A basic one-day, one-park ticket will cost $71 plus tax, up from $67. Pass prices for Florida residents and Annual Passholders have gone up as well. Other ticketing options have changed ithe number of vists on the Water Park Fun & More Add-On and the expiration period on the 4-Day Florida Resident Pass.

Details & Discussion Here
Posted By: Figment! @ 11:27 PM | permalink


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